Editor in chief
The Spokesman - Baltimore, MD
May 2024 - Present
- wrote and published articles for Morgan State University’s student newspaper.
- provided photos, video or audio clips to accompany published content.
- managed, edited and published articles Spokesman writing staff submit prior to release.
- established relationships with campus leaders, university administration and staff to build rapport, discuss news coverage and nurture a professional relationship.
- mentored writing and photo staff in writing, copyediting, broadcast copy, multimedia content creation and photography.
- trained Marines in photojournalism, video editing, short film production, news writing, and social media management.
Communications Intern
SSAI - Lanham, MD
May 2023 - Present
- plan and manage official company social media accounts and plan media campaigns.
- produce multimedia media content (photos, video, and digital graphics) for external and internal release.
- produce, edit and publish copy for social media, press releases and other media for official accounts.
- design and maintain official website.
Production & Media Chief, photojournalist
USMC - MCAS Miramar, CA
January 2017 - April 2019
- edited, quality checked all published media at MCAS Miramar Public Affairs Office prior to its release.
- coordinated multiple social media campaigns
- managed all of MCAS Miramar and 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing’s social media accounts.
- Coordinated, executed and facilitated media escorts, a military documentary, celebrity guests, and radio stations.
- answered media queries.
- arranged credentials for all media guests, coordinated air show coverage.
- trained Marines in photojournalism, video editing, short film production, news writing, and social media management.
Social Media NCO
USMC - MCAS Miramar, CA
June 2012 - May 2014
- coordinated, executed photo and film support for MCAS Miramar and 3rd MAW’s 40+ units.
- published articles, photos and videos highlighting MCAS Miramar and 3rd MAW’s capabilities.
- shared published content to social media platforms of MCAS Miramar and 3rd MAW’s audience of more than 20,000 followers to inform of current events and training operations.
- facilitated multiple media escorts with San Diego television stations, local sports teams, and celebrities
Broadcast journalist
USMC - AFN Okinawa, Japan
June 2012 - May 2014
- coordinated video support of military units, government organizations and non-governmental organizations to highlight the mission and capabilities of U.S. Forces.
- vetted, prepared and interviewed subject matter experts to create audio and video content for online publication and social media.
- establish relationships with the military units and non-governmental organizations who serve on Okinawa’s 13 military installations.
Editing Everywhere All At Once - Poynter Institute
Media monitoring with Explore - Meltwater
Influencer Marketing I (Industry Specialist) - Meltwater
Public Relations Agency Course - Meltwater
Social media certification - Hubspot
Digital marketing certification - Hubspot